Take Control of Your TBR Pile Read-a-Thon

Ever since getting overwhelmed with books to review a year ago last fall, I’ve tried to keep the review copies, challenges, and readathons I sign on for to a reasonable amount, but I’m impulsively signing on for this one that starts today, hosted by Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer. It would be great to feel caught up, as I’ve heard some book bloggers are. (Or is that just a myth?)

My goals for the Take Control of Your TBR Pile Read-a-Thon:

Not sure if this is reasonable for a weekend when I have other plans, but we’ll see how my first book blogger readathon goes. If it’s anything like Bloggiesta, I’ll spend too much time checking in on what everyone else is doing to get much done myself. But that’s part of the fun.

Thanks to Kimba at Caffeinated Book Reviewer for hosting. Anyone can join in; you don’t have to be a book blogger. Visit her blog to sign up.


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