I only just finished The Ink Black Heart by Robert Galbraith (pseudonym of J.K. Rowling) this morning with less than 24 hours to spare before the 32-hour audiobook loan expired, so that was a relief. Otherwise, not much change in my current reading since last Monday!
(If you’ve tried to comment in the past and had trouble, I’m trying a new commenting plug-in that should make it easier. You may need to click on the title of the post and/or the “Read the Rest of This Post” link to see the comments field, if you care to give it another try. Thanks!)
Currently Reading
The Last Samurai by Helen DeWitt

“This bizarre, bold, brilliant book, originally published in 2000, is original both in content and form. As a toddler, Ludo interrupts Sibylla’s thoughts mid-sentence with complaints that are written in capital letters; it looks ugly on the page but vividly conveys the mother’s experience. Conversation reflects rhythms of speech rather than formally correct grammar and punctuation, and the narrative moves in and out of digressions, contemplating, for instance, John Stuart Mill’s education. Perhaps the book is a little bloated, but DeWitt’s zeal cannot fail to enchant.”
— The Guardian
Under Lock and Skeleton Key by Gigi Pandian

READ THE REST OF THIS POSTLovers of traditional mysteries with quirky characters will be well rewarded.
– Publishers Weekly