Away for the weekend again, but a relatively short (under 3 hours) drive home tonight (Sunday) after a family party this afternoon. We’ve been staying in an old, only partially refurbished hotel that must have seemed really nice 50 years ago.
This is the little balcony outside our room:

The view of the lake from the balcony:

The much better view of the lake from the hotel parking lot:

I have tomorrow (Monday) off for the new Juneteenth holiday. I’m going to use it to do stuff like get my hair cut and catch up on undone chores, after a busy week of work and socializing.
Currently Reading
My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite

My Sister, the Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite has been on my TBR for a while, so it came to mind for the Massachusetts Center for the Book Reading Challenge this month: Read a book set in a country you’ve never visited.

Is It Hot in Here? by Zach Zimmerman

Recently Read

Tom Lake by Ann Patchett comes out on August 1st. Loved it! I read it as an advance reading copy through NetGalley, but would like to own my own copy.
Currently Listening To
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir
Harrow the Ninth (Recorded Books, 2020) by Tamsyn Muir, narrated by Moira Quirk
After rocking the cosmos with her deathly debut, Tamsyn Muir continues the story of the penumbral Ninth House in Harrow the Ninth, a mind-twisting puzzle box of mystery, murder, magic, and mayhem. Nothing is as it seems in the halls of the Emperor, and the fate of the galaxy rests on one woman’s shoulders.
Rogue Protocol by Martha Wells

Rogue Protocol is the third entry in Martha Wells’s Hugo, Nebula, Alex, and Locus Award-winning, New York Times and USA Today bestselling series, The Murderbot Diaries.
Starring a human-like android who keeps getting sucked back into adventure after adventure, though it just wants to be left alone, away from humanity and small talk.

Sunday Salon is to encourage conversation about books and book-ish things, but can expand into many other topics. The weekly link-up and Facebook group are hosted by the busy bee Deb Nance of Readerbuzz.
This post is also linked up It’s Monday, What Are You Reading, hosted by The Book Date.