Big Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday list is also my 2024 Big Book Summer challenge sign-up post. (If you don’t see the comments, and you want to, please try tapping or clicking on the title of this post to open up the specific post.)

To qualify for the Big Book Summer (BBS) challenge, books have to be at least 400 pages long. The ten on this list are almost all in my home library and most have been on my TBR list for at least a year. They’re in the order I plan (sort of) to read them. There may be some left over from previous BBS challenges!

1. The Once and Future King by TH White (656 pages)

I read the first book of this quartet of novels earlier this year for the Massachusetts Center for the Book reading challenge to re-read a favorite book from your childhood.

2 & 3. A Column of Fire by Ken Follett (928 pages)

This one is so long, it should count as two books! This is the third book in a sequence that is now up to five! The publisher lists the prequel as first in the sequence, but I like to read them in the order they were written.

4 This Strange Eventful History by Claire Messud (448 pages)

This one is pretty new, and I haven’t bought it yet. 448 pages will seem like a novella after the Ken Follett!

5. Shrines of Gaiety by Kate Atkinson (515 pages)

See #3.

6. We Are Not Ourselves by Matthew Thomas (656 pages)

I received this as an advance review copy and not only failed to review it, but failed to read it! I’ve felt guilty ever since, and it came out in 2015.

Big Book Summer Audiobooks

7. The Heaven & Earth Grocery Store by James McBride (742 minutes)

I’m already listening to this! It’s as good as all the reviews say.

8. A Carnival of Snackery by David Sedaris (1,035 minutes)

This should probably also count as two!

9. Ghost Station by S.A. Barnes (900 minutes)

Recommended by Sue at Book by Book!

10. Making It So by Patrick Stewart (1,130 minutes)

This is probably cheating because it’s just a 480 page book, and I’ve already listened to a lot of it, but I’ll be finishing it after the challenge starts!

Have you read any of these? Should I move one up or down the list?

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday Link-Up hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

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3 months ago

I’m curious about Making It So.

Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.

3 months ago

I have Making It So on my eventual TBR. It’s one that definitely had to be an audiobook though!

Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.

Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

I hope you enjoy reading them all.
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

Susan (Bloggin' 'bout Books)

I hope you enjoy your summer reads!

Happy TTT!


3 months ago

I think i read The once and future king many moons ago! Love Patrick Stewart; must read his book.

Sue @ Book By Book
2 months ago

Welcome back to Big Book Summer, Laurie! Glad you’re participating again 🙂 Looks like a great batch of books.
I read The Once and Future King as a kid – and still have my copy, so I should reread it again sometime. I read Pillars of the Earth for my own first-ever Big Book Summer, but I never read moire of the series (even though I enjoyed it). They are chunksters! Sedaris is always fun, especially on audio. And I recommended Ghost Station? It sounds good, but it doesn’t look familiar, and I don’t recognize the author’s name. But let me know what you think!

Looks like a fun reading summer for you!

2024 Big Book Summer Challenge


[…] I’ve gone back to The Book of Love by Kelly Link. It’s soaked through with Gothic melancholy and dark magic, and is just the absorbing distraction I’ve been needing this month. At 600+ pages, it should count towards Big Book Summer, even though I didn’t put it on my 2024 BBS List. […]


[…] I started The Book of Love by Kelly Link before summer started, but at 600+ pages, it’s got to count towards Big Book Summer, so I’m adding it retroactively to my 2024 BBS List. […]

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