Weekend Cooking is hosted by Beth Fish Reads. This week’s Weekend Cooking feature is a guest post from Katie from the Doing Dewey blog. See the original post here: Slow Cooker Recipes Review. Thanks to Katie for suggesting this week’s exchange of cookbook reviews!
Book Title: Sensational Slow Cooker Gourmet
Author: Judith Finlayson
Rating: ★★★★★
Review Summary: Very focused on convenience and does a good job of spelling everything out – plus it finally got me to use my crock pot.This book of slow cooker recipes was a great fit for my busy schedule and most recipes don’t look like they’d be too pricey for my poor college student budget either In fact, the recipe I made cost me less than $20 for ingredients and will probably make at least 6 meals. But before we get into the recipe, lets start with the book…
The Review: The introduction included some very useful information, such as tips for getting to know your crock pot and advice on avoiding mistakes that could lead to food poisoning. Unfortunately, this is buried in some of the typical fluff one finds at the beginning of such a book (“slow cooker recipes are awesome and convenient” kind of stuff), but I would strongly recommend reading this section any way. Where the book really starts to shine though, is the slow cooker recipes themselves.
The recipes all have great pictures, which is a must for me when picking a cook book. It’s by far the easiest way of identifying recipes I want to make. Nearly every recipe begins has a wonderful section called “Make Ahead” in the sidebar which tells you what you parts of the recipe you can prepare several days in advance. This makes it very easy to do the cooking when it’s convenient for you! Most of these slow cooker recipes can cook for 4 hours on high or 8 hours on low, which means it’s possible to complete a recipe in a day or let it cook over night depending on your schedule. Although I certainly don’t plan on going out and getting a new crock pot, I did appreciate that the author specified the best sort of crock pot for each recipe. Like many cook books, this book does include some cooking instructions in the ingredients list (“barley, rinsed and drained”, eg) which it’s easy to miss until you actually need to add the barley. Aside from that small and common problem, I liked everything about it.
The Recipe: To truly test out the book, I decided to try making the “Miso-Spiked Vegetable Soup with Barley” and everything went fairly smoothly. I spent about 15 minutes chopping vegetables and another 30 minutes frying them and figuring out my crock pot. I spilled a few things, missed that I needed to drain and rinse the barley until it was time to add it (immediately) to the frying pan, and discovered that the author was serious when she sad a larger crock pot would be better (5 quarts instead of 2.5 like mine). To deal with the smaller crock pot, I only added about half of the called for chicken broth.
In the morning, I discovered that a tiny bit of my barley had burned to the crock pot and my soup was more like a stew – even after adding the rest of the chicken broth. I added an approximate amount of parsley, which ended up being the strongest flavor in the finished product. However, the soup was very tasty any way and even with mistakes the time required to make it was under an hour in the evening and about 30 minutes in the morning. I’ll definitely try making it, and other slow cooker recipes, again
Thanks for this — I’m always looking for new slow cooker recipes and a hearty soup is terrific for winter. I like that the book has plenty of photos.
The soup looks delicious; I like using my crockpot, but I’ve never used it overnight.
I’ve never used a crockpot (I don’t have one, so go figure!), but I’m a big pan of soups and stews you can leave on the burner for hours. So simple and usually amazingly delicious. Thanks for sharing your cookbook review!
I do like my slow cooker and I am always looking for new recipes to make. I must confess I have never thought about cooking overnight. I generally do the put it on in the morning and get hometo a cooked meal thing!
I LOVE my slow cookers (two sizes) and use them often during the winter months… there have even been times when they are both going at once! This looks like a great source for new recipes.
Looks like a delicious and hearty soup! Love that it’s done in the slow cooker.
This is the sort of book (and the sort of rainy fall day) that makes me think I should buy a slow cooker.
I love my crockpot and have more times than not cooked on low a large roast over night and all day the next day while I’m at work. I have slow cookers in every size out there.
I don’t use my crockpot nearly enough! I have a few recipes I use it for, but I would love to use it more. This sounds like a good starting point – thanks for the review!