Weekend Cooking: Beard on Bread’s Irish Soda Bread

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Weekend Cooking is a weekly feature hosted by Beth Fish Reads. Click here to check out Weekend Cooking posts from other bloggers.

book cover imagePeriodically, I try to weed out some cookbooks from our ever-expanding collection, and Beard on Bread by James Beard is one that I’ve suggested that we get rid of because “we” (meaning “I”) never use it. The book is pretty shabby-looking, and the dust jacket is long gone. Beard on Bread, however, is one of the few cookbooks that belong to my husband. He has vigorously defended its place on our cookbook shelf several times over the years.

Every St. Patrick’s Day weekend, I’m always glad to concede that we should keep Beard on Bread forever, if only for the Irish Soda Bread recipe my husband uses to makes several loaves, some to keep and some to give away. I like the sweet kind of Irish bread, too, but this recipe calls for whole wheat flour and comes out looking lovely and rustic.

Irish soda bread ready to go in the oven
Before going into the oven
Irish soda bread after baking
After baking

Originally published in 1973, Beard on Bread was reissued by Knopf in a softcover edition in 1995. Find James Beard’s Irish soda bread recipe here on the James Beard Foundation site, along with other recipes.

Did you know that Knopf puts out The Borzoi Cooks Newsletter? Sign up for it here to get email updates on Knopf cookbooks and cookbook authors, including recipes.

Beard on Bread
Beard, James
Knopf, 1995
$16.95, soft.



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12 years ago

I really should weed out my cookbook collection too. Although, this bread looks yummy, so I’d probably keep that book too.

12 years ago

That bread looks so delicious. Trying to imagine how wonderful it tastes just warm from the oven. 🙂

Diane (@bookchickdi)
11 years ago

Your soda bread looks wonderful; I’m with your husband, don’t give that book away.

Audra (Unabridged Chick)

I’m with everyone else — WANT that soda bread! Enjoy!

caite@a lovely shore breeze

I am a soda bread…and Irish brown bread fan. Keep that book!

Esme (@cococroissants)
11 years ago

I do not think that I have ever had soda bread. and I do agree with weeding out cookbooks-all books actually. PS I did not make that dessert.

Beth F
11 years ago

This is such a classic cookbook, I’d *never* get rid of my copy — ever. And what’s this idea of culling cookbooks? I didn’t realize I was supposed to do that. LOL

11 years ago

Yum. 🙂 Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

11 years ago

If you still use it once a year, definitely keep it, it sounds like a tradition 🙂 I’ve never tried soda bread but it does sound quite sweet.

Angela @ AJ Arndt Books Blog

I have a hard time getting rid of cookbooks. Thanks for sharing the recipe to that bread 🙂

11 years ago

I love soda bread too and I can’t get it in the shops here in the east of Scotland, it’s very popular in the west, due to the high population of people of Irish descent there. I’ve bookmarked the recipe, thanks.

11 years ago

Mmmhhh! Looks good 🙂

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