It’s Monday, What Are You Reading? 05-16-22

It’s Monday! Again?! Already!? If you aren’t a book blogger participating in the link-up party hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date, please let me know what you’re reading! (You might have to hit “read more” to be able to comment.)

Currently Reading

Mademoiselle Revolution by Zoe Sivak

Mademoiselle Revolution by Zoe Sivak is one I’m reviewing for Library Journal. It’s women’s fiction, set at the time of the Haitian Revolution. The historical details are from the perspective of a young woman whose position as the biracial daughter of a white coffee plantation owner and an enslaved Black woman becomes even more precarious when the rebellion begins. Fleeing to France with her half brother, Sylvie de Rosiers escapes one revolution just before France becomes embroiled in its own bloody uprising.

It’s over 400 pages long, so it’s taking me a while to read it! Coming out in early August from Berkley Books.

Recently Read

The Kinship of Secrets by Eugenia Kim

The Kinship of Secrets by Eugenia Kim was our book club selection for May. It was well liked by the group, and many had visited Korea or had another type of connection with the country, so they especially enjoyed learning more about its troubled history.

Currently Listening To

All the Secrets of the World by Steve Almond

All the Secrets of the World (Zando, May 3, 2022) by Steve Almond

Halfway through, I’m still formulating my thoughts on All the Secrets of the World, the brand-new novel from Steve Almond, but I can definitely tell you that the audiobook narration by Roxanne Hernandez is perfect. The book is an intriguing page-turner (or whatever the equivalent for an audiobook is) – I have no idea how it’s going to end!

Recently Listened To

Five Tuesdays in Winter: Stories by Lily King

Five Tuesdays in Winter (Blackstone, 2021) by Lily King, read by various narrators

I have loved everything I’ve read or listened to by Lily King and Five Tuesdays in Winter, a collection of short stories, is no exception!

This post is linked to “It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?” hosted by Kathryn at The Book Date. Check out the link-up party there for more book lists!

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Sue at Book By Book
2 years ago

Glad your book group enjoyed The Kinship of Secrets. I knew nothing of Korean history until I read Pachinko – fascinating!

I’ve heard great things about Lily King but haven’t read any of her books yet.

Enjoy your books this week!

Book By Book

2 years ago

The Kinship of secrets looks nice. I’ve been interested in learning more about Korean history so that caught my eye.

Hope you’re having a nice week. 🙂

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz

I enjoyed Lily King’s Writers and Lovers a lot. Thanks for sharing a little about her book of short stories.

I remember reading Candyfreak by Steve Almond a long time ago. I wonder if it is the same Steve Almond.

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